Winners of the 2014/15 ED-REAP Excellence Award November 14, 2013 November 14, 2021 / By admin / Leave a Comment Aksum University NameCGPAProgramTemesgen Tilahun3.99MathematicsTsega Teshale F3.90Biology Adigrat University NameCGPAProgramAdugna Dawit Fara3.95BiologyAger Wondie Dagaw3.88Mathematics Award Ceremony These are the best graduates from Adigrat University receiving their awards at the 2014 convocation ceremony-. Mr. Adugna Woldie(3.95) from the male category and Ms. Ager Wondie( 3.88) from the female category. 2013/14 academic year ED-REAP Excellence Award ceremony at Adigrat University2013/14 academic year ED-REAP Excellence Award ceremony at Adigrat University2013/14 academic year ED-REAP Excellence Award ceremony at Adigrat UniversityPictures from the 2013-14 academic year ED-REAP Excellence Award ceremony at Adigrat University